Going Plastic Free

 GreenQube prospect of not using plastic for a month might sound impossible and yes, it very well is. But that is not to discourage. It is meant to inspire you that Manosan Plastic Free is not about perfection (again, neither is the zero-Waste movement) and so do not let the fear of not being flawless stop you from trying something new this year. Because the beautiful thing about experimenting with the environment is that you can start small and build from there.

So what GreenQube Refills Waste mean anyway? Zero Waste means not to produce or manufacture any plastic products for one whole month. Sounds like a lot, right? And in reality, you can make a Zero Waste trip to the grocery store and buy only food items that are also made from food (which by the way, makes them better than plastic-free items). If you don't mind throwing some food away along the way, that is fine too, but if you want to live plastic-free you should always aim for a Zero Waste journey.

Another way to live plastic-free is to avoid purchasing Cleaning Qubes packaging from plastic companies. All packaging that comes in contact with food has to go through a processing facility and that processing is meant to degrade the life of the plastics used. This is done by heating the plastics in the packaging and adding chemicals to them that break them down over time, meaning they cannot hold as much moisture as they used to. So even though a product advertised as being "plastic-free" is in fact made of plastic, it will no longer be plastic-free when it reaches you and that means you have to use a different type of packaging from now on, even if the packaging is biodegradable or compostable.

In order to get completely plastic-free living, it is important that Glass and Shine Cleaning refills plastics. Even the smallest trace of plastic can leach into the water supply, pollute the soil and poison the animals and plants you happen to love. In fact, this is probably one of the most important reasons why people choose to live entirely plastic-free: because if it was not for avoiding plastics, at least some part of their consumption would have to come from non-biodegradable sources that harm the planet.

If you are not trying Eco Qubes to reduce your plastic Shampaw Pet shampoo, at least try to use reusable straws. Straws made from corn starch or straws sourced from organic pastures or from recycled barrels make for very eco-friendly straws. The reason for this is that corn and other agricultural byproducts tend to contain plastic contaminants and they also cannot break down into smaller particles that can be safely integrated into the marine life. Straws sourced from older bottles or from recycled barrels are also a good choice since these have been washed, thus removing any plastic contamination. If you want a convenient way to carry your straws when going out fishing or boating, go with small nylon or wool backpacks instead of plastic bags.

